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Doing programming language homework is not easy at all. You need to go through several stages to come up with a correct assignment. Let’s look at these stages closely to find out whether doing programing language homework is really difficult.
Construction of the sub-task solution architecture
I highly recommend taking a notebook and roughly sketching how you see the solution. This is especially true for solutions with a microservice architecture. There, it is especially worth thinking and visually imagining which microservices will be involved in your solution, which data, where it comes from, and where it goes. There is a non-zero chance that you will find yourself converting the raw data twice (first one way, then the other). At this moment, you may think, why not get the raw data right away? Why process it? This is a fairly common situation, but you can use others.
You may not have a microservice architecture, but even in this case, as a monolith, you will have to consider a lot of aspects. So drawing a solution is a good idea. Always keep a notebook handy where you can draw or write something down.
I always recommend that programmers know how to use UML, but it is not necessary. Because, in this case, you don't need to draw concrete classes so much as data streams. How you draw them is up to you.
If you can’t come up with the right solution to do your assignment, it is better to turn to an expert and ask to do my programming homework. They will come up with the right solution to your problem. You will save time and get an understanding of what to do in the next assignment.
When you have prepared the architecture, understand what to do, and taken into account all aspects, your task is clear, divided into parts, and so on, then you sit down to write the code. The main difference between an experienced developer and a beginner is exactly how long after receiving the task, the programmer sits down to write code. If it sits immediately, it is a completely Junior. An experienced developer first reads the text of the task for a long time, then begins to crawl behind the code, then draws something, then perhaps once again clarifies something with the teacher. And only then, when they have already understood everything, do they sit down and quickly write everything.
You can only think that you have implemented the functionality that you need. You need to run the written code and do at least smoke testing, checking the passage of the main positive and the main negative scenarios. This allows you to verify that everything in your code is working as intended.
Only after you are sure that everything works refactor. At the stage of implementation, the code is usually written badly, and at the stage of refactoring, you already make it beautiful. This is the most important aspect. A lot of beginners try to write code well right away. In this case, you need to follow two criteria at the same time: the code works as it should, and it is beautiful. There is no sense in this. First, you should write the code somehow, then test it so that it really works as it should, and only then refactor it, making it beautiful. Perhaps at this stage, you will have to add patterns to the code or, on the contrary, remove unnecessary ones. That is, at this stage, you bring order to the code.
General testing of the entire functionality of the task
After all the subtasks are done, you need to test whether they work together or if they are doing everything you expected the task to do. You may need to do some additional refactoring, such as extracting common parts from subtasks and lifting up, etc.
Completion of the task
At this stage, you hand in the finished task. As you can see, doing programming language homework can be rather difficult. However, you can deal with it successfully by getting professional help or having the right tutorial.