
What Is JavaScript and What It Can Do ?

What Is JavaScript and What It Can Do ? 3

JavaScript is a lightweight programming language utilized by a variety of websites to script their web pages. JavaScript can enable dynamic interactivity on web pages when used in HTML documents. Moreover, it aids users in building modern web applications that interact with users directly, without reloading the web page each time. JavaScript is widely used ... Read more

How to Upgrade Kubernetes Cluster to Some Specific Version [Step by Step]

How to Upgrade Kubernetes Cluster to Some Specific Version [Step by Step] 19

In this article, I will take you through the steps to upgrade a Kubernetes Cluster. In any organization, upgrading Kubernetes cluster is one such daunting task that if not done properly, it might result in critical production loss. In reality, upgrading k8s cluster is much easier than you think given that you are following all ... Read more